Billing System

If you need to cancel or change an appointment a minimum of 2 hours notice is required. We reserve the right to charge a fee for missed appointments.

Billing System

Children under 5 years bulk billed/discount
Children 6-16 years private fee
Adults 17-80 years private fee
Adults >81 private fee
Did Not Attend Failure to attend an appointment will result in a $50.00 fee applied to your account.

Billing System

Why do we need to charge a fee?

Simply put, the amount that Medicare pays for each appointment no longer covers the cost of running a medical practice.

Successive governments have failed to regularly increase Medicare rebates. This means that rebates have not kept pace with the cost of living, and have never covered the true cost to practices of delivering quality medical care. To ensure we can continue to provide you with quality healthcare, and cover our operational costs, we are required to set fees at this level, and reduce the amount of bulk billing we have traditionally offered to our patients. Thank you for your understanding.

As such, from July 2023 we will be increasing fees for all patients. This will allow us to maintain a high level of care for our patients. The government is also launching the MyMedicare voluntary sign up to your practice. From 1st November 2023, this will assist in maintaining Bulk Billing for those patients in genuine need, if you are regularly Bulk Billed your Doctor will ask you to sign up to the 7Springs Practice.

If you have concerns about the rising out-of-pocket cost for healthcare, we encourage you to please notify your Federal Member of Parliament, Garth Hamilton:

What do “Out of Pocket” fees pay for at 7Springs Medical Practice?

It is a common misconception that these items are paid for by the government, this is not the case. Please support us in trying to support yours’ and families’ health, please don’t embarrass your Doctor by asking to be Bulk Billed, the Medicare subsidy does not cover the cost of your care.

7Springs Medical Practice | 881 Ruthven Street | Toowoomba | QLD | 4350 | f: 07 4529 2700 | p: 07 4529 2777